About CantaBiblia®

¿Have you ever asked?

In your memory and
in your heart

How can you keep the Word in our memory and heart even when it is taken away from us? 

Remembering the Word of God during difficult times

How to remember the Bible when temptation, trial or sickness comes? 

CantaBiblia, the Word of the Lord in your heart

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Our desire is that the Word of God set to music may flow freely throughout the world, be memorized and kept for times of persecution; that it may cleanse, purify, regenerate, edify lives, and allow searching and getting closer to God based on the divine principles.

Colosenses 3:16 “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.”


Musicalizar la Palabra de Dios formando equipos de trabajo dentro del cuerpo de Cristo con diferentes idiomas y/o países de habla española, alemana, inglesa y portuguesa a 2025.

Deuteronomio 31:19 “Ahora pues, escribíos este cántico, y enséñalo a los hijos de Israel; ponlo en boca de ellos, para que este cántico me sea por testigo contra los hijos de Israel.”