El salmista profetiza lo que hará el Señor al malo, al sanguinario y al engañador: privarlos eternamente de su presencia y destruirlos para siempre. De su parte, antes decide presentarse desde temprano ante el Señor y esperar su salvación.
/O Yawheh; in the morning you should hear my voice, in the morning I will lay my request before you and I will look up/
For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness: nore should evil well with You.
The foolish should not stand in your sight: You hate all workers of iniquity.
/You shall destroy those who speak lies: the Lord abhors the bloody and deceitful man/
For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness: nore should evil well with You.
The foolish should not stand in your sight: You hate all workers of iniquity.
/O Yawheh; in the morning you should hear my voice, in the morning I will lay my request before you and I will look up/
Colosenses 3:16: La palabra de Cristo more en abundancia en vosotros, enseñándoos y exhortándoos unos a otros en toda sabiduría, cantando con gracia en vuestros corazones al Señor con salmos e himnos y cánticos espirituales. (RV 1960)